It's that time of year. The New Year's resolutions begin. Promises are made and hopefully you stick with them! A great promise the ladies should make is to stick with a solid weight training program. Combining weight training and cardio will enhance your results and cut down on your overall time to wait for seeing results. Real women lift weights, so ladies ditch the tedious hour long cardio routine for short bursts of cardio with weight training and see how the body adapts! Few tips to stick with a new fitness resolution: - Make small changes - Do things you enjoy so you will continue to do them - Enlist participation from a friend - Hire a professional - Hit those weights hard There's nothing wrong with lifting as much weight as you can and wearing your stilettos at night. The female body will not adapt in the same way the male body adapts to heavy strength training. Some females are predisposed to muscle hypertrophy, but do not let that s...